This module is at the core of the platform and is required for any solutions built on top. It allows configuring IoT deployments with their sensors, controllers and any other devices and provides a full view of the data generated. It is the perfect starting point for any IoT solution.

SDS Platform
Create your own applications and provide your clients with vertical solutions that target a specific need.
- Connect devices on one end and create applications or integrate 3rd party platforms on the other end with the SDS Restful API.
- Don’t want to hassle with hardware? Install our pre-configured SDS datalogger to get data from meters and sensors and send it to the platform in minutes.


- Deployment Sites
Create deployment sites, add sensors, controllers and other equipment, and configure visualization modes.
- Deployment Diagrams
Upload one or multiple deployment schemas (e.g. Scada like diagrams) and place existing sensors and devices on top.
- Technical Documentation
Upload and attach documents to a specific device or deployment site for future technical reference. - Virtual Variables
Create virtual variables by applying mathematical operations to real variables received from a sensor or device.

- Customizable Dashboards
Configure dashboards based on collected data using intuitive widgets. - Location-based Sites Monitoring
Place each deployment site on a Google Map and visualize real-time status. - Diagram-based Monitoring
Visualize each component on a deployment schema and check whether it is working correctly or not. - Real-time Data Visualization
View data collected from any device in real time. - Historical Information
Query devices and alerts historical readings and other information.

- Formula-based Alerts
Create alerts based on values recovered from one or multiple sensors and devices readings and add actions based on logical and mathematical formulas. - Email Notifications
Send email notifications, when an alert is triggered, to multiple recipients based on your template.

A set of tools that will enable you to handle huge volumes of data and transform it into useful insights, to deliver real value to your clients and help them monetize IoT solutions.

- Data Quality
Check whether a device data is not being received, how many readings have been lost, how many are duplicates, etc. - Data Normalization
Check individual readings and adjust or delete as required.

- Reports Composer
Create report templates in a rich word-processor-like editor. Add dynamic data from your sensors and devices including dynamic graphs and static information. - Reports Scheduling
Schedule reports creation on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis.

The Smart Data System Platform was designed and built to enable partners to create solutions aimed at solving specific use cases by making devices and data available through the web interface or through easy to use and secure API’s.
The Smart Data System Platform was designed and built to enable partners to create solutions aimed at solving specific use cases by making devices and data available through the web interface or through easy to use and secure API’s.
- You can configure your solution using friendly and intuitive web tools and include built-in, ready to use, applications without writing a line of code.
- Or, you can connect back-end and other 3rd party platforms to the SmartDataSystem and all its data through the API.

Manage energy use and reduce costs for your company or clients from a single place. The Energy Manager application helps you monitor and control the energy consumption, gather granular real-time data, and generate compelling savings opportunities.
- Submetering
Measure and control global consumption and individual consumption from HVAC and other energy-consuming equipment. - Multiple Monitoring Views
View projected and historic global energy expenses in your currency, consumption only expenses, consumed vs contracted power or create your own view. - Invoice Projection
Project monthly invoices in advance based on past consumption patterns. - Virtual Invoice
Configure virtual invoices with real data and compare them with invoices from the energy supplier. - Improvements Log
Follow-up on improvements being applied and compare with previous data to objectively measure their success.

Optimize business processes in real time and achieve cost savings through the automation of typical manual tasks. The Process Automation application allows you to send instructions to connected devices based on real time data and a set of rules.
- Bidirectional Communication
Configure bidirectional control variables to act on automatically or manually. - Rules Engine
Create automatic rules on one or multiple devices based on mathematical and logical functions.
- Rules Scheduling
Schedule each rule to act for a specific time period, only week days, weekends, or based on whatever needs you might have.